Flyers: Some of you out there may know this already but just in case you did not I am a big Philadelphia Flyers fan. Not sure why, I don't care or watch any of the other Philly sports, Eagles, 76ers or there MLB team (I am drawing a blank on their name). But maybe because my kids played Ice Hockey growing up I took to watching them or maybe it was that crazy Chemistry Teacher I had back in the 12th Grade back in West Mesa High School. He was a small scrappy guy and played for the local minor league ice hockey team, the Albuquerque 6-Guns. I don't know what happened to the team or the Teacher, I did get a fairly good grade even though I sat in the front row the whole year, that was where he kept his "problem children" as he called all us front row types. The closer to his brilliance he would say, the better for us yeah, I didn't buy it.
Anyway, I just watched the Flyers beat the Toronto Maple Leafs and was checking for out next game and low and behold the Flyers have a busy March. A game every other day during the week and games on both days over the weekend. I will be in near Hockey heavy with a game every other day. Behold the schedule purloined from Yahoo sports:
Posting: Yeah it's been very sporadic lately and I have to apologize. My status at work changed being moved from a very small nearly insignificant project to one with a lot of contract value but running 3-months late. The contract having stiff penalties built in, so as to keep the contractor honest (something I think our government should build into any contract with Lockheed-Martin). So I have been moved from off the stove to right over the hottest burner doing a lot of extra time every day as well as weekend. Yes even weekends. I am so fried at night I have a hard time even leaving comments on some of the Blog's I visit. The only benefit to me over all this work, will be another trip or two to the Czech Republic which I am looking forward to. My recent trip over there for introductions to our European partners in this effort was just a teaser and I am dying to spend a day or two running around unattended. With my camera.
I do have several new Navy stories in the works, a study of some of the Men I served with and I have a follow-up on my young son's 7-months in Afghanistan. A review of his experience in Helmand province, while they are still fresh in his mind, his confessions of a sort. I may not a Priest but I am a Father. I am also going to start a series on long but not forgotten aircraft of our recent past.
So, bear with me as I work my way through the next month or two, I should be posting every other day or so. Maybe more, maybe less.
BT: Jimmy T sends.
Real life would interfere heavily with blogging, I would think. There's simply NO way I could have blogged during my working years, seeing as how I was a stereotypical Type A who did 12 hour days as a matter of course with danged few weekends to myself, as well. Shorter: I hear ya. Do it when ya can!
Buck, I am pretty sure things will get back to normal once this program I am on gets on a more normal development cycle. I did most of my draft work at home at night, I was able to polish and post from work, but I am so wiped out when I get home I not good for much.
BT: Jimmy T sends.
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